The 77th Annual General Meeting of the Society of Model Aeronautical Engineers Ltd.
The 77th AGM of the Society of Model Aeronautical Engineers took place on Saturday 2nd November at the BMFA National Centre.
However, our Articles of Association require us to circulate the accounts and budget 21 days prior to the AGM, but due to delays in finalising and gaining Board approval for the end of year Accounts and Budget, which also sets the subscription fees for next year, they were presented for information rather than adoption at the AGM.
As such, with the Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2024 and the proposed budget for the period 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 now available to view online at, an online only EGM via ZOOM has been set for 7pm on the evening of Tuesday November 26th, solely for the purpose of adopting the Accounts and approving the Budget. The Board are proposing a £2 increase in Senior subscriptions (taking it to £49) with no changes proposed for Juniors/Students, Family Juniors or Family Partners.
The Agenda for the Ordinary business of the EGM will be as follows:
- Apologies for absence
- To consider and adopt the Accounts and Balance Sheet for the Society for the year ended 31st March 2024
- To approve the Budget for the ensuing financial year, and to fix the subscriptions payable by members in each category for 2025.
Voting Club Delegates and Fellows must register their ZOOM attendance by 12pm on Monday 25th November using the following link:
Fellows or Clubs who are unable to attend the online AGM can appoint another attendee as their proxy using the following link: Any proxy appointments must be submitted by 12pm on Monday 25th November 2024.
Please note, non-voting members wishing to observe should complete the form at:
Any questions relating to the proposed Budget or the Accounts for the year ending 31 Mar 2024 must be submitted in advance online (at to arrive no later than 5pm on Friday 22nd November 2024.